30+ Amazing Examples of Infrared Photography

Published November 26, 2010 in in Graphics

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In infrared photography, the film or image sensor used is sensitive to infrared light. The part of the spectrum used is referred to as near-infrared to distinguish it from far-infrared, which is the domain of thermal imaging. Wavelengths used for photography range from about 700 nm to about 900 nm. This type of photography can produce really amazing and dream-like images.

Just for your inspiration, we have collected 35+ Stunning Examples of Infrared Photography.

1. Anrold

2. Thaib Chaidar

3. Bonnie Kirkpatrick

4. Dave Deluria

5. Jeffrey Klassen

6. Allon Kira

7. Roie Galitz

8. Stow Lake

9. Awan Setiawan

10. Microwaves over Bernal Hill

11. Sergiopachini

12. Boone Hall

13. Michilauke

14. Jimchen Photo

15. Foto Community

16. Ferret Facejones

17. Brokentaco

18. Gilad Benari

19. Irargerich

20. Hk Traveller

21. Life In Macro

22. Aeschylus18917

23. EvilLoz

24. La Vita a Bella

25. Edwin Martinez

26. Mark Bond

27. Paul ( dex )

28. Joseph Levy

29. Sakis Da

30. Virgonc

31. Darth Bayne

32. Irargerich

33. Werner Kunz

34. Dannie Tjahjono

35. Digital Pimp

36. Frank Brauner

Source:  Read Original Article

  • Tags: infrsred photography

2 Comments to “30+ Amazing Examples of Infrared Photography”

  1. An perfect blog and well worth reading. I have been following your blog for a time now and have to say it is one of the best around. Every time I see a good blog post I usually do one of three things: a. Forward it to all the relevant friends. b. Bookmark it in some of the best sharing sites. c. Make sure to re-visit the website where I came accross the post. After reading this post I’m seriously thinking of doing all three. Keep it coming !

  2. Thank you for sharing those pictures, made me discover infrared photographers I had never seen before :D

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